Thursday, July 24, 2008
3 Big Tips for Effective Phone Follow Up
After meeting someone at a networking event, it is important to follow up with that person and beginning building a premature relationship. You should take the time to learn as much as you can about your business counterpart and eventually conduct business for ongoing success. A good and direct way to follow up with your business counter part is to contact them via phone. Listed below are tips on connecting with others in an effective and timely manner.
Tip #1
When you decide to call your business counterpart, make sure that you are calling them within a reasonable hour. Keep in mind that people are busy and time is a very important asset. You should not schedule your phone call too early in the morning or too late in the afternoon/evening. Phone calls should generally be made after lunch time. Usually professionals are less busy and have more time to take and conduct business before the day is over.
Tip #2
If you call your business counterpart and he/she is not available always leave a message. In your message, you should be concise and speak clearly and slowly on the voice message. In the message, you should include your contact information and number so that your counter part can write down the message and reach you quickly. Also have an upbeat or cheerful tone and rehearse your message so that you refrain from making mistakes or repeating yourself.
Tip #3
Follow up the phone message with an email message. Many times, people can accidently delete a phone message or fail to receive it for various reasons. To avoid any confusion or delays, it is highly recommended that you send out a short email message informing your counterpart that you are trying to get in touch with them. It is a subtle way of follow up but it is not pushy or overbearing.
Chi Chi Okezie is owner/producer of SIMPLEnetworking, LLC in Metro-Atlanta, GA. Newly published author of "SIMPLEnetworking: Creating Opportunities ... The new form of success!" View excerpts of the book and polish your professional approach:
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Wednesday, July 23, 2008
13 Networking Secrets
I built my marketing consulting business through extensive networking and here are My 13 Networking Secrets to Get the Most Bang for Your Buck and Time....
1. Research Events
Make sure to research the networking events you want to attend before you attend them so you don't waste your time at events or meetings that may not have your target market readily available at them. To find local events in your area, first find all of your area chambers of commerce, there might be many of them and any specialty associations or organizations that would pertain to your business or target market. Then locate all of your area large venues, meeting rooms, convention centers, concert halls and anywhere an event could be held more than likely they will have a website with an events calendar. Finally, read and go online to look up events in your local newspaper on their business calendar or in the main section, inside business publications and social magazines (plus watch TV and listen to radio shows who will promote events these usually get promoted really close to the event however to plan).
2. Be Prepared
Now that you know where to network, make sure you are prepared for the event. Order yourself a name badge that you can wear to all events and even out running errands you never know where you'll meet a potential client! It is important of course to also make sure to use your logo, company colors and a good, descriptive title under your name on your badge for branding as well as it adds credibility and professionalism.
3. Keep Materials On Hand
Make sure to always keep any of your sales flyers, brochures and business cards in your car at all times, keeping them current and never running out; you never know when you will be able to display or hand them out at an event or meeting.
4. Your Commercial
Practice your 10 sec, 30 sec and 60 sec commercials because most events and meetings will ask for different lengths of commercials if you get a chance to stand up and tell who you are and what you do. The 10 sec commercial is for casual one-on-one conversation or a quick introduction typically and the 30 or 60 second ones are for stand up opportunities. Stick to your name, your business name, and a one sentence description about what you do and/or a question to make people think. Then make sure you mention your website and some sort of call to action.
5. Timing
Always arrive at meetings and events a few minutes early and be prepared to stay late and meet those people you don't know yet, meet and get to know EVERYONE! Also, you should attend a function for the networking purposes (that's why it's important to research which events), not for a specific speaker (unless you are going purely for self-improvement); if the speaker turns out to be good then that's a bonus! It's tempting to hang out with the same people however you want to continually look out for those you don't know and go up and introduce yourself to them.
6. Go with a Goal
If you are at all shy or afraid of going to an event by yourself or networking in a group of strangers you will want to go with a goal. First of all, know the types of people you want to meet; do you want to meet prospects who are your target market, referral sources or just friends? Say you want to meet 10 people then make sure you introduce yourself to and ask for 10 people's business cards.
7. First Impressions
Making a good first impression is important and it's the one thing you can't make up for if it goes wrong. Practice your handshake and eye contact prior to attending events to make sure you have a firm handshake, not limp or half grasp and that you are consistently looking into the eyes of the person you are talking to rather than looking around the room for the next person to talk to. For the best results, act like you are really interested in each person you talk to, asking pertinent questions to get to know them better and steer the conversation so you can ease away quickly while still showing you are interested.
8. Card Passing No No
Never "lead" with a card when you enter a room or circle of people, "leave" the card or wait until someone asks you for your card. Don't presume everyone wants your card. If they don't want it, they won't do anything with it anyways so why waste it on them? It's more important for you to get their card because you want to build your database, email marketing list and you want to be able to follow up with them. You can always mail them your card later if you have theirs; they will appreciate it more and possibly think more highly of you since you took the time to follow up.
9. Build Relationships
Your goal of networking should be to build rapport and long-lasting relationships with the people that you meet, it should not be to SELL, SELL, SELL; that's a big turnoff. Don't expect people to use your services the first time they meet you; if they do, great, but don't depend on it. More than likely it will take 5-7 meetings before people will warm up to you so be prepared to network in certain organizations you choose for some time, try each of them for at least 6-12 months or one year of membership. Remember however, you will get out of a membership what you put into it so if you are not active or don't attend a lot of functions, you won't meet enough people in order to reach your desired 'expert' status or 'top of mind awareness'.
10. Help Others
Another main reason for your networking should be to give; give referrals to others you meet, give free 'expert' advice about what you know, give suggestions on business or practices, make connections between people who need to do business with one another, even if that doesn't involve you or your business. If you make this the main reason for networking, karma will reward you with more than enough referrals and direct business that you could ever expect.
11. Don't 'Feature Dump'
'Feature Dumping' occurs when you're talking to people and you proceed to list all your services, benefits, features and everything about you and your business when maybe no one even asked you. You ideally want to find out what the other person wants and needs by asking questions and getting them to tell you. Their needs and wants might have something to do with your business or they might not. If they need your services or products, then of course after you LISTEN to what they need, you can respond with the solution to that need (NOT EVERYTHING, just that need).
12. Take Notes
When you ask for someone's business card and talk to them briefly, remember something unique about them or your conversation or something you need to follow up with them about and write a note on the back of their card. You can do this right then and there or wait until you get to your car. I also suggest writing on the back bottom of each card where you met them, use an acronym if need be. This is good for sorting in your database by group, organization or event for follow up letters, etc.
13. Follow Up
This is the most critical part of any networking NO MATTER WHAT! If you aren't doing your follow up, you've wasted your time and money attending the event. Follow up on every person within 48 hours. Call the hot prospects and email or mail them info about how you can help them (assuming they told you what they need/want from you). Call, email and/or drop a note to the warm prospects or referral sources and email or drop a note to the colder ones or those who you aren't sure about yet.
If you have an email newsletter, be very careful NOT to just add anyone you meet networking to your list; they need to opt in either in person when you meet them (you can write a note about adding them to your email on the back of their card) or you can send them a follow up email telling them about your newsletter and offer to sign them up or respond if they want to sign up for it.
I hope these tips have helped you now GET OUT NETWORKING!
(c) Copyright 2008 K.Sawa Marketing Katrina Sawa is an Award-Winning Relationship Marketing Coach who's helped hundreds of small business owners take dramatic steps in their businesses to get them to the next level in business, revenues and life. She offers one-on-one coaching, group coaching and do-it-yourself marketing planning products. Go online now to get started with her Free Report and Free Audio at!
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For the Love of Networking
Business people can find easy and unique ways to network with their clientele and customers though networking which can be beneficial for both parties. Listed below are helpful tips and tactics for networking like a pro!
It's Better to Give
A great way to stay connected and develop relationships after the networking event is to give a gift or give back to your business counterpart. Gifts can be big or small, depending on the nature of your relationship with your business counterpart. Gifts can be very simple or elaborate depending on the nature of the business relationship. All gifts should be well thought out before they are presented to the recipient. Professionals should keep in mind, gender, age, ethnic background and personal preferences before purchasing the gift.
Out of the Blue
Spend fifteen minutes each day talking with one of your business counter parts or customers on non related business issues. This might go against typical business tradition, but this tactic is an excellent way to stay in touch. Professionals have the ability to make a deep and favorable impact by surprisingly reaching out to their network. The receiving part will probably be shocked by your random act of kindness and be more apt to doing business with you. In the phone call, the professional should be friendly and talk about non related business issues for the customer/client side. This can also be applicable with correspondence letters and emails.
Word of Mouth
A great way to network is to refer your clients to other business colleagues, friends and family. This type of gesture will benefit the relationship of both parties and creates a higher level of trust and accountability. Your customer/client will be impressed with your willingness to believe and grow their business
Chi Chi Okezie is owner/producer of SIMPLEnetworking, LLC in Metro-Atlanta, GA. Newly published author of "SIMPLEnetworking: Creating Opportunities ... The new form of success!" View excerpts of the book and polish your professional approach:
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Chi Chi Okezie - EzineArticles Expert Author
Great Promotional Tote Bags
One method of getting your tote bags to a large audience is to give them away for free at trade shows. Trade show bags can be used for many purposes one of which is a way to transport groceries. When you set up your booth at a trade show, you want to attract as many people as possible. You are guaranteed to receive attendants if you are giving something away, so why not give away an attractive trade show bag which advertises your company? Many people are trying to cut down on the amount of waste they create and are utilizing reusable grocery bags. Imagine all the people who will see the bag when it is being reused every week. The fact that it is promoting environmental cleanliness should impress them as well.
You have a few choices when it comes to the material that your custom printed tote bags are made out of, the most popular being cotton tote bags, non-woven tote bags, nylon tote bags, and polyester tote bags. Cotton, being a natural material, is a great choice because it is inexpensive to produce, perfect for when you're looking to produce cheap tote bags. They are available in a number of colors, and are reusable and affordable. Non-woven tote bags possess numerous positive features; they are liquid and flame retardant, easily washed, are incredibly soft, and can stretch. They mimic the appearance of woven materials but aren't nearly as bulky. Nylon tote bags are great because nylon is one of the most used fabrics today, and for good reason. Nylon is strong, flexible, easy to use, and doesn't cost much. And finally, polyester tote bags are popular because they are made of a great man-made fabric that is used for just about everything as it is inexpensive and durable.
In business it's important to always think of new ways to advertise because you always have to be one step ahead of the competition. Unlike silly pens or other gimmicks, when you give away a custom printed tote bag, you are giving away something that they not only will use, but will use for years to come. When the time comes that they will desire your services, they will immediately think of you and you are almost guaranteed their business. Not to mention that many people will see them carrying it and become interested in the company. You can even give away these cheap tote bags to all of your clients and they can use them to help tell encourage their friends to seek your business!
Sarah Shepherd is a e-marketing specialist for Motivators, Inc., a Long Island based promotional products distributor. The company's website, boasts over 30,000 e-commerce enabled promotional products.
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Thursday, July 17, 2008
Increase Traffic`s Blog
Like any website you own, you must do some blog promotion to start driving traffic to your site. Here are 16 steps, in no particular order of importance, that you can start doing now to get traffic moving to your blog.
1. Set up a Bloglet subscription form on your blog and invite everyone in your network to subscribe: family, friends, colleagues, clients, associates.
2. Set up a feed on so your site gets regularly spidered by the Yahoo search engine (see tutorial on
3. Read and comment on other blogs that are in your target niche. Don't write things like "nice blog" or "great post." Write intelligent, useful comments with a link to your blog.
4. Use Ping-0-matic to ping blog directories. Do this every time you publish.
5. Submit your blog to traditional search engines:
6. Submit your blog to blog directories. The most comprehensive list of directories is on this site:
Tip: Create a form to track your submissions; this can take several hours when you first start so schedule an hour a day for submitting or hire a VA to do it for you.
7. Add a link to your blog in your email signature file.
8. Put a link to your blog on every page of your website.
9. If you publish a newsletter, make sure you have a link to your blog in every issue.
10. Include a link to your blog as a standard part of all outgoing correspondence such as autoresponder sequences, sales letters, reports, white papers, etc.
11. Print your blog URL on your business cards, brochures and flyers.
12. Make sure you have an RSS feed URL that people can subscribe to. The acronym RSS means Rich Site Summary, or some may consider its meaning as Really Simple Syndication. It is a document type that lists updates of websites or blogs available for syndication. These RSS documents (also known as 'feeds') may be read using aggregators (news readers). RSS feeds may show headlines only or both headlines and summaries.
To learn how news aggregators/RSS readers work, see this site:
13. Post often to keep attracting your subscribers to come back and refer you to others in their networks; include links to other blogs, articles and websites in your posts
14. Use Trackback links when you quote or refer to other blog posts. What is TrackBack? Essentially what this does is send a message from one server to another server letting it know you have posted a reference to their post. The beauty is that a link to your blog is now included on their site.
15. Write articles to post around the web in article directories. Include a link to your blog in the author info box (See example in our signature below).
16. Make a commitment to blog everyday. 10 minutes a day can help increase your traffic as new content attracts search engine spiders. Put it on your calendar as a task every day at the same time.
7 ways to drive traffic
1) Do your SEO and keyword research homework. Make sure the HTML of your site is search engine friendly. Here’s a basic search engine optimization checklist:
• Do your post titles have appropriate keywords?
• Do your anchor links have keywords in them? Using “here” as a link is a missed opportunity.
• Does your domain name include a primary keyword?
2) Submit your site to the 1st and 2nd tier engines like Google, Yahoo, Dmoz, MSN and Looksmart, and to the blog directories. Here’s a short list of sites that offer free blog listings:
Blog Search
Globe of Blogs
3) Ping like you mean it. This is a way for you to raise your hand to the blog trackers when you’ve posted new content. You can do it site by site at places like Technorati, or go to Ping-o-matic ( and mass-ping your blog to over 20 sites. Make sure your blog is set up to ping the appropriate sites every time you publish a post.
4) Feed your RSS. Make sure your blog has one and that it’s working. An RSS feed is a bit of XML that allows your blog to push content to RSS readers. That way people don’t have to visit your site to get your latest insights – they just open their RSS reader and read the news. If your blog is at, don’t worry about an RSS feed – its already been created for you. If you’re not at and your current blog doesn’t have RSS functionality, visit and sign up for their free service that will set up an RSS feed from any website (blog or not). 5) Swap links. Make a list of relevant sites you’d love to link to your blog. Write them a short friendly note and offer to let them use a few of your posts as content on their site in exchange for a link back to your site. Also, link to their sites from within one of your posts. Be sure to offer to exchange links in the links section of your blog. Most blog software programs offer this. There are also sites that special in helping bloggers swap links. Web Log Empire ( is a large one. If you’re willing to pay for a link to your site, check out Text-Link-Ads (
6) Be part of the blogging community. Go to other blog sites you admire. Contribute to their blogs in ways that add real value. Write good, thoughtful comments that are content rich. Give away what you know. Do it a lot – at least 3 posts a week. Over time you’ll become recognized as someone who has something worthwhile to say. As your reputation grows, people will seek out your blog. This is not an overnight process, but by paying your dues and building an audience you are positioning yourself to become a star. By the way, if your site doesn’t have the functionality for visitors at add comments, Haloscan ( is a free service that will let them do so. It also allows for “trackbacking”, which is a way to manage pings.
7) Write your blog! Put everything you’ve got into it. Make it great. Post as frequently as you can. The search engines will note frequent postings. A blog that has a new post every day is obviously more active – and important – than a blog that was set up in 2003, has 4 posts, and has been dead since 2004. To really make your blog get noticed you’ll need to post at least 2-3 times a week
3 Best Affiliate Programs
First an Affiliate program is one which will make you money by means of commission when you sell a product. There are many individual affiliate programs in the net. But choosing the best is really tough. The program that makes me hundreds of dollars can be failure for you and also the vice versa. So choose the best affiliate program, the one that suits your blog and your audience.
I have been testing out affiliate programs in the recent days and also I have been noticing the affiliate banners in many blogs. After seeing all those and with my own experience, I have listed the 3 Best Affiliate Programs. These affiliate programs suit the blogs that focus on blogging, making money online, SEO and other related stuff.
1. Blog Mastermind Affiliate: Blog Mastermind is a program conducted by Yaro Starak. He earns a stable income of $5000+ per month fro his blogs. This program has got many users and is still increasing. Yaro will teach you how to earn $1000+ per month from blogging. Now coming to the affiliate program,it is free to join the Blog Mastermind affiliate program. The Blog Mastermind program membership is $77 per month(Note: This is not the cost for affiate program. Affiliate Program is free). If you refer a person to the blog mastermind program you will earn $20. This won’t stop here. You will earn $20 as long as the person is a member in the program. So if you can refer a person to Blog Mastermind, then you will earn $20 every month(till he/she stays in the program) without referring any more people. This is the main reason why I have listed Blog Mastermind in the first place.
2. SEO Book Affiliate: SEO Book is written by SEO Master Aaron Wall. The book is about how to increase website traffic with easy steps. If you search for ’seo book’ in Google and Yahoo, this is displayed as the first result. Aaron Wall will let you know the secret if you buy the book and he will also teach how you can rank well in search engines. Now coming to the affiliate program. You can join as an affiliate in SEO Book for free. The book costs $79 and you will get $25 for every sale. There is more about their affiliate program here.
3. Text Link Ads: Text Link Ads is a site that allow advertisers to buy links and bloggers to sell links. They have a good referral program. If you refer an approved publisher or an approved advertiser, then you will be credited with $25. You might see 50 clicks on your referral button, but not all of them become your referral. Few might have joined but they may not have got approved for the publisher program. There is also a case where the publish might not have installed the script for at least 7 days. If you can get 4 referrals, then you earn $100. Though this program has been in existence for a long time, bloggers are starting to use this more very recently. You may want to read about ‘Earning With Text Link Ads Made Easy‘.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
How To Increase Your Blog's Earning Potential with Google AdSense
Determine your blog's primary focus.
Google AdSense ads are most effective when they are served to people who are interested in the products and services those ads offer. With that in mind, Google AdSense tends to work best on blogs that are about niche topics such as a specific product or hobby. Consider how you can make your blog's topic more focused to better attract specific types of readers and specific types of ads.
Write consistent and focused content.
Google serves ads based on the content on each of your pages. The more focused your content is on each page, the better Google can determine which ads are the most relevant to your readers. Write consistently and stay focused on a specific topic to increase the likelihood that Google will display ads on your blog that your readers are apt to click on.
Work to increase your blog's traffic.
The more visitors to your blog, the more potential for clicks on your Google AdSense ads. Work to increase your blog's traffic to boost your chances for ad click-throughs. However, keep in mind that if you write focused content, the ads on your blog will be relevant to that content. The traffic that comes to your blog needs to be interested in your blog's topic and your content, or they are not likely to be interested in your corresponding Google AdSense ads. Work to drive traffic but make a concerted effort to find traffic that adds value to your blog.
Research and test keywords.
Google serves ads through its AdSense program based on keywords. Advertisers bid on keywords relevant to their businesses. Some keywords are more popular than others and therefore, drive higher bids. Higher paying keywords also mean higher payouts to you when your readers click on them. The ads served on your site are determined by the content on your site. If you're writing about topics related to higher paying keywords, then you're likely to earn more money from your Google AdSense program than if you wrote about topics related to lower paying keywords.
Test Google AdSense ad positions on your blog.
You can display Google AdSense ads just about anywhere on your blog. Test a variety of positions on your blog to determine which work best for you in terms of generating click-throughs and maximum revenue.
- Check with your blogging software provider and blog host to ensure your blogging package allows you to place Google AdSense ads on your blog. For example, does not allow Google AdSense ads.
Don't fall victim to the allure of covering your blog in ads to generate income. Blogs that are cluttered with ads are difficult to read, and readers typically don't return to blogs where the meaningful content is hidden in between ads.
- Track your results to see what's working, particularly as you test keywords and ad positions. This will allow you to develop the best advertising mix to maximize your blog's income while staying consistent to your blog's brand image and overall message to readers at the same time.
How Affiliate Advertising Can Help You Earn Money from Your Blog
Many bloggers are eager to find revenue streams to help monetize their blogs. Once your blog is established and receiving some traffic, you may want to begin researching affiliate programs that could allow your blog to put money in your pocket.
What is Affiliate Advertising?
Affiliate advertising is basically an online marketing channel. An advertiser pays a blogger to promote the advertiser’s products or services on the blogger’s site.
There are three main types of affiliate ads: pay-per-click, pay-per-lead and pay-per-sale. Each of these affiliate ad types has one thing in common. They are all performance based meaning you don’t earn money until your readers perform an action such as clicking on a link or clicking on a link then purchasing the product on the page to which the link brings them.
There are several large and well-known companies that offer affiliate programs which you can set up on your blog within minutes regardless of how well established your blog is.
Examples of Companies Offering Affiliate Advertising Programs to Bloggers:
- Amazon: You can choose from a wide variety of ads such as text links, banner ads and more. If you’d like, you can also select the exact Amazon products you’d like to feature on your blog.
- eBay: You can choose from eBay’s auctions and find the specific products you want to advertise on your site.
- AllPosters: You can choose from 400,000 products to advertise on your blog.
What is an Affiliate Directory?
You could sign-up to monetize your blog through an affiliate directory where various online merchants post their affiliate ad opportunities. You can review the ad opportunities and apply to host a specific ad on your blog.
Most advertisers on these sites will have restrictions related to the blogs they will work with. Typically those restrictions are related to how long the blog has been active and the amount of traffic the blog receives. For those reasons, an affiliate directory is most helpful if your blog is well established.
Take some time to research each affiliate directory to find the right one for you and your blog. Different affiliate programs offer different payments and credibility. Take your time and investigate your options before you jump into anything.
Examples of Popular Affiliate Advertising Directories:
Factors to Consider When You Select an Affiliate Advertising Program to Monetize Your Blog
- Read all the details about the opportunity including the pay, the terms, etc.
- Select affiliate program ads that are consistent with your blog’s content. Ads that don’t match your content will undoubtedly be clicked on less frequently (meaning less revenue for you) and can decrease the credibility of your blog (meaning fewer readers will return to your blog because it's cluttered with irrelevant ads).
- Don’t go overboard with affiliate ads. Too many ads not only make your blog look suspiciously like spam to readers, but search engines will think so, too. Sites that are covered with affiliate ads and little additional original content will be marked as spam by Google and other search engines which will hurt your traffic and page rank overall.
- Don’t expect big profits (at least not at first). While many bloggers can generate a decent ancillary income from affiliate advertising, most bloggers can’t boast those kinds of results. Boosting your income through affiliate advertising takes time and practice. Don’t be afraid to test new ads, placement, programs and more until you find the best mix to meet your goals for your blog.
Make Money With Adsense Fast and Easy
How to make money with adsense fast and easy using adsense money maker, that will turn your adsense money from ZERO to Thousand Dollars Permonth
Adsense money maker is a powerfull plugin software to build unique AdSense ready websites with high quality content, updates all pages automatically every day.
Now you can make money from adsense fast and easy as you can imagine, with unlimited license and guaranteed.
Homepages Friends - Get Paid to Search on the Internet

From reading the discussion, I found that the program name is Homepages Friends. It is actually a new name of a former popular search program called My Search Fund. Homepages Friends is paying people for doing regular web searches using Yahoo. But, I'm not sure whether Yahoo is behind this program. The pay is about £0.01 - £0.02 for each search.
Homepages Friends Website
Homepages Friends can be accessed at The homepage of is pretty simple. It is a sign up page containing not much info. Anyone can join the program immediately on the sign up page. If you have questions about it, there is a link to the FAQ section.
Is Homepages Friends Paying?
Homepages Friends started on April 2008 and before that it is called My Search Fund. My Search Fund has kept a good paying record. The site always pays members who reached minimum payout. And for Homepages Friends, some satisfied members claimed that they have got paid several times. Also, a lot of people are giving positive opinions about this program.
How Much You can Earn?
Homepages Friends estimates that the average users regularly searching the internet could readily earn about £50 per year. If you are active in searching on the web, you could earn more than £10 per month. But, I would suggest you not to over do it. If you purposely make extremely high amount of searches (a hundred or more) daily just to boost up your earning to maximum, they might suspend your earning.
When You will Get Paid?
Once you have reached the £20 minimum payout, Homepages Friends will issue payment 45 days after each month end. e.g. If your search earning for January is $25, then you will get paid in the mid of March. You can choose to receive your earning via Paypal or bank transfer.
The program is definitely not for people who want to earn big money as it can only make you an extra $10 to $20 per month. If you enjoy making some extra bucks while searching on the Internet, this program is right for you.
How PLR Content can Help You Make Money Blogging
You may find a ghostwriter to write quality posts for your blog regularly. This is a good solution to your content creation problem but the cost is just too expensive for long term. So, you may use a better solution which is invite as many guess bloggers as possible to write for your blog. But, unless your blog is so popular that gained massive traffic every day, or you wouldn’t be able to invite many guest bloggers so that you can have guest posts published regularly on your blog.
So, what should you do if you want to make money blogging for long term but having the difficulty of creating quality content on a regular basis?
I would suggest you use PLR (Private Label Rights) articles and e-books. PLR articles and e-books let you claim authorship of the content and you can change the content in any way you want.
Here’s how PLR content can help you make money blogging:
1. Purchase PLR articles, then edit and customize them so that you can publish them on your blog. All you need to do is to look for PLR articles relevant to your niche or topic, rewrite them so that they become unique articles. By putting in your ideas and knowledge during the re-writing process, you can turn those PLR content into quality articles for publishing on your blog. PLR articles sites like and provide hundreds of PLR articles in different niches every month and they also allow you to access and use thousands of their previous PLR articles. So, they can help you create unique blog posts for long period of time.
2. Purchase PLR e-books, put your name on the e-books and then let your readers download them at no cost. Just add an opt-in form on your homepage, those interested readers will sign up with their name and email address to get your e-books. This will make your blog helpful to the readers and also you will gather the readers email address where you can later send them more valuable information and promote them your affiliate products.
3. PLR content not just helping you solve the blog posts creation difficulty but also useful for attracting traffic to your blog. As you have bought PLR content, you can compile your articles into a special report. Take some time and work to edit the content; if possible add in your own knowledge to make the report unique, include related links to your blog posts and then distribute it on the Internet. You can submit the report to e-books directories, post it on the forums and send it to your opt-in subscribers to attract people download your report. When people read your report, they will see the links to your blog posts and click them to visit your blog pages.
PLR products are fairly cheap. They are very useful resources for creating unique and targeted content. If you're frequently out of content ideas, think about using PLR content for your blog marketing business.